Introducing and assessing the tectonic geoheritage in the Sahne-Harsin region of Kermanshah on the West of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ecotourism Department, Faculty of Tourism Science, University of Science and Culture

2 Birjand university


Kermanshah province, geologically is located in high Zagros zone.The Neo-Tethys closure and Iranian – Arabian plate collision, which causes the obduction of oceanic crust sequence and various tectonic structures such as the folds, faults, joints, shear zones, unconformity and klippe have formed the remarkable geological units of the Kermanshah region. First of all, this study aims to introduce and designate the geodiversity of theSahne-Harsin region (mostly tectonically) including the unique folding in radiolarites, faults, unconformities, joints, etc. Secondly, using the genetic characteristics (structural, stratigraphic), the diversity of tectonic modes of the region and their values was studied. Subsequently, after the designation of the tectonic heritages, they were classified and introduced. The importance of this Italian assessment model is based on geological evolution, chronostratigraphy, palaeo-environmental and educational values. The designation of tectonic geoheritage as natural heritage in the Sahne-Harsin region of Kermanshah province in Iran is an initiative and promising result for further studies towards the establishment of a geopark at the national level and a member of the GGN.
