Copper mineralization in the context of the structural evolution of the western edge of the Zahedan granite belt; An example from Jahangiruk region

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated in Economic Geology, University of Sistan and Baluchistan

2 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran

3 Department of Geology- College of Science- University of Sistan and Baluchestan- Zahedan- Iran

4 Aria Copper company East, Zahedan

5 Aria Copper Co. East, Zahedan



The western edge of the Zahedan granite belt has been a host to various minerals such as copper, iron, antimony and gold. Based on the comparison of the relative time and suitable space for the transfer and emplacement of veins and deformational fabrics in the two north and south copper ore deposits of Jahangiruk-West Zahedan, it is inferred that the mineralization process was relatively young and associated with various deformational structures; these structures have provided enough opportunity and space for fluid movement which were devoted from amphibole-bearing basaltic lavas. Ore-forming fluids through channels and conduits with a mostly northwest strike and northeast dip seem to have derived at the same time or shortly after the general thrusting event. In a few cases, the mineralization was related to the tensile components with the northeast trend. In the northern region, the connection between the channels of ore-forming fluids and the ore concentrated in the basalts can be seen in the drilled wells, but in the southern region, this connection is either not exposed or is currently not seen due to the lack of observation wells. In the next younger deformation event, the reactivation of thrust faults or the creation of a new generation of faults at the same time as the oroclinal bending in the east Iran, the conditions for the development of the supergene stage and the dissolution of the primary deposit and the redeposition have been provided, especially along the old fabrics
