Relative variation of focal depth and epicentral migration of earthquakes in Sistan Seismotectonic zone

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Dept. of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

2 Professor, Dept. of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran



In Sistan Seismotectonic zone, the statistical analysis of device earthquakes in the period of 1900 shows the reduction of focal depth and also the magnitude of earthquakes in this zone. This phenomenon can be a warning for the accumulation of energy in the earth's crust and the occurrence of large earthquakes in the future. The estimated seismic (1.07832E+21-2.13025E+21 Nm⁄yr) and geological (6.30371E+20-6.79875E+21 Nm⁄yr) moment along with the high acceleration (9.6-10.3 %g) in the three ranges of Dasht-e-Beyaz Fault, Neh Collection and Nusrat Abad and Zahedan, Saravan all confirm the intense activity and stored energy in these areas.The dominant migration of the epicenter of the earthquakes is from the northwest to the south and southeast of the Sistan Seismotectonic zone which can be the reason for the greater kinetic potential in the southern half of this Seismotectonic zone. the dominant mechanism of the earthquakes occurring in this zone is reverse and right lateral with a reverse component. Earthquakes occurring on a fault are not separate phenomena, but the occurrence of each has an effect on the next earthquake. This causes large earthquakes to expand or stimulate weakness surface around faults for a long time. For this reason, it is possible to investigate the migration pattern of earthquakes in the direction of the environment of increased stress by using past events. Investigating the migration pattern of earthquakes and the possible relationships between them that occurred in time and space intervals play an important role in the interpretation of seismic risk.
