Investigation of Neotectonic activities in Shahreza area, Iran, using of Geoinformatic Techniques


1 Golestan university

2 Esfahan university


Shahreza area in the central part of Sanandaj-Sirjan zone is selected as case study for verifying of this zone activity. In this research, the structures and its kinematics were determined by using of Geoinformatic techniques such as: Remote sensing, GIS and field surveying methods and also, distinguished the Neotectonic evidences of active faults and occurred earthquake foci circumstances.
The result shown that the Shahreza fault (with Dextral strike-slip mechanism) and Nasrabad fault (with Sinistral strike-slip mechanism) are the main faults in this area. The Neotectonic evidences of recent activities of these faults are exhibited as: truncating of recent alluvium, influencing on sedimentation regime of rivers, faulting in recent alluvial terraces and fans and deformation of recent alluvium. Also, in intersection of these main faults, many earthquake foci were taken placed.

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